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What is Heart Failure

Heart failure means that the heart is unable to pump blood around the body properly. It usually occurs because the heart has become too weak or stiff.
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Health and Wellbeing Apps from ORCHA

ORCHA is the world’s leading, independent digital health evaluation and distribution organisation, and our mission is to deliver safe and trusted digital health to those who need it most.
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Start For Life’s ‘If They Could Tell You…’ campaign
Start For Life’s ‘If They Could Tell You…’ campaign focuses on promoting the importance and benefits of strong parent-infant relationships, and the importance of building a strong connection from preg…
How you make a complaint about primary care services is changing on 1 July 2023
From 1 July 2023 the way members of the public make a complaint about primary care services to the commissioner is changing....
Cheshire and Merseyside residents urged to ‘give digital a go’ as part of new NHS campaign
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside has launched a new campaign to increase awareness of online health services ...
Hypertension day - 17 May 2023
High blood pressure, or hypertension, rarely has noticeable symptoms. But if untreated, it increases the risk of serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Around 1 in 4 adults in the UK have…